
Hi, I am Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, and over the past 25 years I realized that success is LESS about perfection in achievement, and MORE about EXCELLENCE in living.

Click Here to contact Ms. Mitchell-Blackwell about speaking at your Conference, Function or Event.
About Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell
Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Esq., is a Popular Speaker, Coach & Author of six best-selling books including Live Life on Fire: the Ultimate Guide to A Successful Life Full of Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment and Get Your Money Right in 30 Days: the 12 Spiritual Principles of Money Magic.
As an Attorney, CPA, and Intuitive Business Coach, Lynita shows audience members how to live a life full of peace, joy and fulfillment, without sacrificing success and happiness.
Lynita started her business in 2006, and during that time she has written 6 Bestselling Books, appeared on 60+ Podcasts, published 8 bestselling authors, led a media company that covered high-profile shows such as the Soul Train Music Awards, managed a boutique law firm, while speaking to over 100 audiences in the areas of Leadership, Self-care for Over Achievers, Estate Planning for Real Estate Investors (and everybody else!), and how to leverage money magic to live a financially Successful Life, filled with peace, joy and fulfillment.
Some of Lynita’s work have appeared nationally in Forbes and Yahoo! Finance, as well as other regional and international publications, such as The HBCU Times and The Divine CEO. Prior to launching her law firm and speaking business, Lynita was an associate with PwC and Deloitte as well as In house Counsel with Community Management Associates, the largest privately owned HOA, POA, and Condo management company in Georgia.
Fast forward to today and Lynita enjoys spoiling her plants, delighting in her teenage daughter, and building a thriving ministry with her supportive life partner Brian, who has championed her over the years.
When not speaking, lawyering, mommy-ing, or coaching, Lynita enjoys all things Marvel, serving in the community, taking long walks, and exploring healing modalities to increase life joy.
Northwestern Mutual
Virtual Event
University of Georgia
Athens, GA
Washington, DC
Dixon Hughes Goodman, LP
Atlanta, GA
National Coalition of 100 Black Women
Virtual Event
Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event
Orlando, FL
Women’s Missionary Society, AME Church 9th District
Montgomery, AL
St John Skincare & Wellness Institute
Atlanta, GA
Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism,
Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School ~ Georgia State University College of Law Atlanta, GA
Georgia Association of Women Lawyers
Virtual Event
Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys
Atlanta, GA
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Upsilon Alpha
Omega Chapter
Atlanta, GA and Virtual Event
Women in the Spotlight GoinGlobal (Professional
Networking Association)
Buffalo, NY ~ Atlanta, GA ~ Virtual Event
Let's face it: Being a Leader in today's modern organization isn't easy.
You've got a hybrid team, with some working remotely while others are at the office.
A multi-generational workforce, where Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials are all trying to figure out the best way to collaborate and work together effectively.
And oh, did I mention the avalanche of emails and “to do” list items that still need to get done?
Yeah, it’s definitely not easy. But as a Leader, it’s part of the job.
So the question becomes, as a Leader, how can I find the right Leadership Style that consistently generates high performance results from my team, while still being in alignment with who I am and how I want to show up?
Because make no mistake about it: as women, we’ve got a unique set of challenges that need to be dealt with when it comes to leadership, since we all know how important it is to come across as being confident and decisive…without becoming a tyrant.
During this fast-paced, highly interactive session audiences will learn:
3 Essential Elements for motivating others and becoming a more confident and assertive Leader… without being pushy or over the top.
2 Quick Ways to more confidently and effectively communicate with others… even if you’re not a naturally outgoing person.
1 Simple Solution for stepping into your true potential as a Leader… so you can finally make it happen right now!
Audiences who would potentially benefit the most from this session:
Leaders, Managers, HR professionals and High Achievers who want some techniques to manage the multi-generational divide and foster deep connections within their teams.
Conference Attendees or Organizational Professionals who are looking for some fresh, new ideas to redefine effective, assertive leadership that people WANT to embrace, support, and follow.
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who are unafraid to release the traditional idea of that tyrants get what they want, and empathetic leadership doesn't exist.
Lynita started her business in 2006, and during that time she has written 6 Bestselling Books, appeared on 60+ Podcasts, published 8 bestselling authors, led a media company that covered high-profile shows such as the Soul Train Music Awards, managed a boutique law firm, while speaking to over 100 audiences in the areas of Leadership, Self-care for Over Achievers / High Achievers & how to live a financially Successful Life, filled with peace, joy and fulfillment.
Some of Lynita’s work have appeared nationally in Forbes and Yahoo! Finance, as well as other regional and international publications, such as The HBCU Times and The Divine CEO.
Prior to launching her law firm and speaking business, Lynita was an associate with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte as well as In house Counsel with Community Management Associates, the largest privately owned HOA, POA, and Condo management company in Georgia.
Fast forward to today and Lynita enjoys spoiling her plants, delighting in her teenage daughter, and building a thriving ministry with her supportive life partner Brian, who has championed her over the years.
When not speaking, lawyering, mommy-ing, or coaching, Lynita enjoys all things Marvel, serving in the community, taking long walks, and exploring healing modalities to increase life joy.
Audiences who would potentially benefit the most from this session:
Leaders, Business Owners and High Achievers who want some techniques to manage the stress and grind of juggling multiple roles at home and work.
Conference Attendees or Organizational Professionals who are looking for some fresh, new ideas to redefine life success and be more joyful during ordinary tasks.
Busy Entrepreneurs and Go-getters who are unafraid to release the traditional idea of a "perfect life that leads to happily ever after" and ready to do the work of creating an excellent life based on their own standards for happiness.
Lynita started her business in 2006, and during that time she has written 6 Bestselling Books, appeared on 60+ Podcasts, published 8 bestselling authors, led a media company that covered high-profile shows such as the Soul Train Music Awards, managed a boutique law firm, while speaking to over 100 audiences in the areas of Leadership, Self-care for Over Achievers / High Achievers & how to live a financially Successful Life, filled with peace, joy and fulfillment.
Some of Lynita’s work have appeared nationally in Forbes and Yahoo! Finance, as well as other regional and international publications, such as The HBCU Times and The Divine CEO.
Prior to launching her law firm and speaking business, Lynita was an associate with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte as well as In house Counsel with Community Management Associates, the largest privately owned HOA, POA, and Condo management company in Georgia.
Fast forward to today and Lynita enjoys spoiling her plants, delighting in her teenage daughter, and building a thriving ministry with her supportive life partner Brian, who has championed her over the years.
When not speaking, lawyering, mommy-ing, or coaching, Lynita enjoys all things Marvel, serving in the community, taking long walks, and exploring healing modalities to increase life joy.
Have you ever felt like you’ve got so much going on, and so much stuff coming at you throughout the day, that the sheer volume of it all can make even the calmest person feel a little stressed out and overwhelmed?
I know I certainly have.
And whether you're an organizational professional or a busy entrepreneur, trying to find more peace, joy and fulfillment in an otherwise hectic, “always on” world is probably something we've ALL faced more times than we care to admit.
And keeping in mind that you can’t control your environment, but you can control your response to it, the question quickly becomes: What can I do to support others and move myself forward, while still finding more peace, joy and happiness in my own life?
Great question!
And one that Popular Speaker & Author Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell tackles head on. During this fast-paced, highly interactive session participants will learn:
3 Quick Ways to find more peace, joy and fulfillment in their lives.
2 Essential Elements for overcoming the overwhelm…so you can better support others AND be more successful, without killing yourself in the process.
1 Simple Truth for living a happier, more peaceful life.
Money is an interesting subject, because it’s the one thing that everyone wants to talk about - and doesn’t want to talk about - all at the same time.
For some, their money story involves it being the root of all evil. For others, their story talks about it being a vehicle to provide for themselves and their family.
And for others still, it’s somewhere in between.
Regardless, everyone has a money story, and the question you want to ask is: What is your story? And is it making you happy and fulfilled?
Because for most people, the answer is not really. And as a matter of fact, for most people again, money is doing the EXACT opposite…it’s making them feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.
But it doesn’t have to be like that. And through this highly interactive, fast-paced presentation, Speaker & Author Lynita Mitchell-Black will walk audiences through her 12 Spiritual Principles of Money Magic, so they can create a “money story” of peace, joy and happiness…regardless of where they are or how much of it they have. During this highly interactive session participants will learn:
3 quick ways to free yourself from your fear-fraught money story and embrace your epic abundance saga.
2 Money Magic practices that yield near instant results to “get your money right”.
1 straightforward method for creating a system that generates more money abundance!
Lynita or someone from her Team will get back to you within 48 hrs.
Audiences who would potentially benefit the most from this session:
Entrepreneurs, Corporate Professionals, and Faith Based Organizations who want a step-by-step system to implement mindset shifts that result in life abundance.
Dual-preneurs (those working a traditional 9 to 5 and running a business), Financial Literacy Program Participants, and High School and College Students who are looking for some fresh, new ideas to generate money from new sources and create life satisfaction consistent with their life purpose and vision.
Lynita started her business in 2006, and during that time she has written 6 Bestselling Books, appeared on 60+ Podcasts, published 8 bestselling authors, led a media company that covered high-profile shows such as the Soul Train Music Awards, managed a boutique law firm, while speaking to over 100 audiences in the areas of Leadership, Self-care for Over Achievers / High Achievers & how to live a financially Successful Life, filled with peace, joy and fulfillment.
Some of Lynita’s work have appeared nationally in Forbes and Yahoo! Finance, as well as other regional and international publications, such as The HBCU Times and The Divine CEO.
Prior to launching her law firm and speaking business, Lynita was an associate with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte as well as In house Counsel with Community Management Associates, the largest privately owned HOA, POA, and Condo management company in Georgia.
Fast forward to today and Lynita enjoys spoiling her plants, delighting in her teenage daughter, and building a thriving ministry with her supportive life partner Brian, who has championed her over the years.
When not speaking, lawyering, mommy-ing, or coaching, Lynita enjoys all things Marvel, serving in the community, taking long walks, and exploring healing modalities to increase life joy.